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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday (March 19, 2009). At some point in life individuals begin to think of ways to make life better. Making life better not just on the home front, business, relationships, but, wellness also. Reaching the age of 42 is a big number for me. When I became 30, I felt that that was a milestone. So, here I am. Fitness has to take priority now for sure. Getting that motivation to work out is the real task. There seem to be not enough minutes in a day to accomplish everything you set out to do.

When I was younger, I would find the motivation on the job. For example, I would see a younger female and think of "back in the day." I would psyche myself up with the idea of "well yeah I can get like that again. That was my psychological challenge. So, I created a regime to get there just to show myself it could be done. Now, that has played out. I need weight loss partners. People who are going through the same stages and phases as I am. These are the people I need. My problem is finding the time to create that network that I so desperately need.

I almost have a complete gym at home starring at me everyday. I have a treadmill, a fitness ball, hand weights, steps, weight bench with weights, videos, diet books and recipes. So, one would think well what's the problem. Motivation is the big word. I need and want be continued.

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